Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Uh-Oh SpaghettiOs!

The title randomly popped into my head this morning, when I realized I probably won’t be able to move out until April.  I was hoping March 1, but I’m not so sure this is possible.  Especially because I am buying lunch today, I need to get back to making my lunches the night before.  After I use up the money in my wallet, that’s it.  I really need to go on my spending freeze. 

Back to SpaghettiOs.  A coworker and I asked the students if they’ve heard of SpaghettiOs and Chef Boyardee.  None of them had.  I was shocked, but I guess this is all for the best.  I recently tried a Chef Boyardee and it was awful, I have no idea how I stomached it as a kid. I wonder how healthy these canned pastas are, regardless if there’s a full serving of vegetables in the can.  As I’m particularly concerned with the betterment of children’s nutrition, things like this interest me.   Could it be that because these kids recently came to America they have no idea what these things are? Or is that SpaghettiOs and Chef Boyardee have no cache with the children of the 2000s?

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